Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Crit Response

During critique I was able to put up a mock up installation of how I want my thesis to look. I changed my flyers size to 11 x 17 to ensure that I can make the flyers reach the ceiling in the gallery space. During crit I had the flyers printed out on 8.5 x 11 white sheets of paper which people responded to. However, I categorized all of my flyers into certain categories that I wanted to demonstrate through colored sheets of paper. However, after discussing it with my teacher and also the crit group it was agreed that colors have their own connotations to them which then distract from the actual content of the type itself. The group liked the stark black and white feature of the installation and I used red pins only as convenience because that was what was in the room but the group really like how the red pins jumped off the white paper. I'm not going to use colored pins because I'm afraid they will be too distracting. Recently, I've looked into using slight variations of off-white sheets of paper for the actual installation that will have extremely subtle differences but still be able to represent the different categories that I created. I was originally thinking of not only making the installation from floor to ceiling but actually having flyers go onto the ceiling and onto the floor. I still like the idea of the floor but the ceiling I don't think is necessary. If I put the flyers on the floor.. I was thinking of having an entire second set of the flyers either spread out on the ground or neatly in a stack so that people could look through them individually and really get to see all of them up close. Some of the problems that were seen were the typography not being consistent in each flyer. I roughly put the text on each sheet however now they're all consistent with each other, centered, and don't have too many ragged edges that make weird shapes when you stand further away. Another issue brought up were certain restrictions I had on the flyers weren't as personal as some of the other ones such as don't get arrested, don't hurt an animal..these things are more of a common sense thing that most people will want to follow so I took out some of the more generalized ones and added more than pertain more to me and my personal restrictions.

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